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For over 50 years we've helped schools – churches – daycares – sports teams – healthcare – clubs – organizations –
associations – and communities raise millions of dollars to support their causes!

2 Easy Options

1 Do It Yourself and Save $$
Online Recipe Submission

  • Gateway Rasmussen's Online Recipe Submission

    • Create An Account & Get Started Today
      Our online recipe submission makes recipe submission and project coordination simple. Online submission also allows for input from virtually anywhere, enabling you to really expand on the recipes and/or theme content possibilities.

    • OUR SPECIALTY IS FULL COLOR CUSTOM COVERS! We specialize in creating beautiful full color covers that are fully customized for our customers AND WE OFFER THIS SERVICE AT NO EXTRA CHARGE TO YOU!

      You may also choose one of our beautiful Stock Cover/Divider sets. Custom Dividers is another great way to go. Undecided? You also have the option to Mix & Match.

    • Select a Typestyle/Layout

    • Submit Your Intro Pages
      You have 2 FREE Intro pages* (black ink only - with up to 2 B/W photos) at the front of your cookbook. Additional pages and/or color printing are extra. You may use these pages however you like. Some ideas:
      • A Title Page
      • Appreciation or Dedication Page
      • History of your organization / group
      • A message from your group
      • Letter from the President
      (*A 'page' is one side of a single sheet of paper)

    • Recipe Notes / Headers / Footers / Fillers
      See our Free Features page should you want to add any of these items.

    • Sponsors / Advertising
      Selling sponsorships or advertising space in your cookbook can really help offset the costs of printing your book - and it helps raise even more money for your cause! Local merchants are very receptive to the idea of putting their ad in front of all your potential cookbook customers when they know that the money raised is supporting your community project or cause. Simple black ink ads are best. Click here for more information.

    • Personalize
      Is there something we've missed? It's your cookbook. If there are info pages / photos / etc. that you want included that we haven't addressed - give us a call and we will work out the details with you.

    • Cookbook Order Form
      Please make sure you include a signed Cookbook Order Form. Two signatures are required.
PRINT READY FILES - Customers sometimes choose to supply print-ready electronic files.

Print-ready is a term used to describe materials that don't need to be formatted or handled in any way before they are printed.

If you plan on submitting print-ready work – please contact a Project Coordinator –Toll Free 1-800-665-4878.

2 Let Us Do the Work for You!
Gather Your Recipes & We'll Do The Rest
  • FREE Recipe Submission Forms are available for you to distribute to potential recipe contributors. You can also download the form online to get started even sooner. The Recipe Submission Form also allows the contributor to pre-order books so this will help you determine how many books to print.

  • Group Recipes By Category
    Once you have received all of the recipes, they should then be grouped into categories. If you plan on using one of our Stock Cover/ Divider sets - the heading for each Divider category is shown on the divider. Group your recipes according to those categories. It is preferable to group recipes together within each Category (for example - in the Main Dishes section all beef dishes are grouped together, all chicken dishes, etc.) Our formatters and our formatting program will do this automatically for you at no additional charge.

  • Gateway Rasmussen will type your recipes for you.
    Select a Typestyle/Layout and indicate your choice on your Order Form. Our team will typeset your recipes and will carefully proofread to make sure all of the ingredients and instructions are entered exactly as submitted. Please note: Make sure everyone's names are spelled correctly.

    Some helpful hints:
    • List all of the ingredients in the order used in the recipe and make sure all of those ingredients are included in the directions.
    • Abbreviate ingredients following the Abbreviation List on the Recipe Submission Form.
    • Be consistent. For example - Use ‘tsp’ for teaspoon on all recipes.
    • Include temperatures and cooking times.
    • Double-check the spelling of contributor’s names.
    • Contact the recipe contributor to clarify any questions you may have on their recipe(s).

  • OUR SPECIALTY IS FULL COLOR CUSTOM COVERS! We specialize in creating beautiful full color covers that are fully customized for our customers AND WE OFFER THIS SERVICE AT NO EXTRA CHARGE TO YOU!

    You may also choose one of our beautiful Stock Cover/Divider sets. Custom Dividers is another great way to go. Undecided? You also have the option to Mix & Match.

  • Submit Your Intro Pages
    You have 2 FREE Intro pages* (black ink only - with up to 2 B/W photos) at the front of your cookbook. Additional pages and/or color printing are extra. You may use these pages however you like. Some ideas:
    • A Title Page
    • Appreciation or Dedication Page
    • History of your organization / group
    • A message from your group
    • Letter from the President
    (*A 'page' is one side of a single sheet of paper)

  • Recipe Notes / Headers / Footers / Fillers
    See our Free Features page should you want to add any of these items.

  • Sponsors / Advertising
    Selling sponsorships or advertising space in your cookbook can really help offset the costs of printing your book - and it helps raise even more money for your cause! Local merchants are very receptive to the idea of putting their ad in front of all your potential cookbook customers when they know that the money raised is supporting your community project or cause. Simple black ink ads are best. Click here for more information.

  • Personalize
    Is there something we've missed? It's your cookbook. If there are info pages / photos / etc. that you want included that we haven't addressed - give us a call and we will work out the details with you.

  • Submitting Materials
    When submitting your recipes, please make sure you include a signed Cookbook Order Form. Two signatures are required.

    Make a copy! Before you send us your material - make sure you make a copy of everything - just in case your package gets lost or damaged in the mail.

    Package up everything securely. We recommend sending with a company like UPS or Fed Ex (so that your pkg can be tracked and traced in shipment).

    For your convenience we have two locations for recipe submission.

    In Canada

    Gateway Rasmussen
    385 DeBaets St.
    Winnipeg, MB
    R2J 4J8
    In the U.S.

    Gateway Rasmussen
    472 South 5th St.
    Pembina, ND